While Rocksteady continues to tease its next game (which is definitely not Superman), the mystery surrounding the game being worked on by their counterparts at Warner Bros. Montreal is also continuing to mount. The Montreal studio – who also developed Batman: Arkham Origins – has been teasing its next project for a while now, with the most recent of teases coming earlier this month, and we might now have another tease for the same.
Geoff Ellenor, who’s the game director over at the studio, recently tweeted the link for a Holidays wish, which shows members of the development team holding a up a board that has the word “redacted” on it. In the aforementioned tease earlier this month, Warner Bros. Montreal members had been teasing their new project, using the word “redacted” to ambiguously talk about their project, while also dropping hints of it being related to Batman (more specifically, the Court of Owls- read more on that through here).
We are, of course, left wondering once again just when Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will deem it fit to announce the game (and whether it’ll actually be Batman)- for now, all we can do is stare wistfully at all the teases. In case there’s any new info, though, we’ll keep you updated, so stay tuned.