
Assassins Creed 3: What To Expect

Assassins Creed 3: What To Expect

With Brotherhood being unanimously considered one of the best games of last year, it's safe to say that we gamers are united in anticipation for the next Assassin's Creed title. We caught wind of a ne... Read More

Resistance 3 demo will be a Playstation Plus exclusive

Resistance 3 demo will be a Playstation Plus exclusive

Sony is planning to launch a PlayStation Plus exclusive Resistance 3 multiplayer demo. "If you've checked out the US Blog, you will see that the R3 multiplayer demo will be accessible to SOCOM:... Read More

Ridge Racer Unbounded Trailer

Ridge Racer Unbounded Trailer

[HTML1] Namco Bandai's just released this new trailer for Ridge Racer Unbounded. With a gritty and more brooding urban style, this is exciting news for fans of the series. The game is being deve... Read More

Clash of Heroes New Videos: Strategy session n°2

Clash of Heroes New Videos: Strategy session n°2

Ubisoft have released two videos for it's upcoming PSN and XBL game: Clash of Heroes HD. Check them out below: [HTML1] [HTML2]Read More

Video Game Releases this week: Pets and a dance legend

Video Game Releases this week: Pets and a dance legend

Looks like this will be a very slow week for gamers with a not lot coming out. But anyways below are the games that will release from April 11th, 2011 to April 17th, 2011. Elements of War Online P... Read More

Videogame Remakes: Artistic revivals or easy money?

Videogame Remakes: Artistic revivals or easy money?

Remakes are a paradigm that has been a staple of the film industry for many years. Whether its remastered director's cut editions, or complete re-hashes with an all new cast and script, the movie busi... Read More

Captivate teaser banners hints at Dead Rising 3 title and more

Captivate teaser banners hints at Dead Rising 3 title and more

Three teaser banners have emerged from Capcom's Captivate event. Although, those are rather pixellated, some good editing has made the hints, far less than subtle ones. As you can see, after mo... Read More

UK Charts; Crysis 2 dethroned by Zumba Fitness

UK Charts; Crysis 2 dethroned by Zumba Fitness

That didn't sound right, but it's true. Wii and Xbox 360 title, Zumba Fitness has climbed to the top spot in the UK charts in its second week, toppling Crysis 2 from number one spot. The EA ... Read More

Splinter Cell 3D Review

Splinter Cell 3D Review

With many classic Nintendo titles set for a makeover on their new 3DS, we already have a few remakes gracing its launch line-up. Sadly, in the case of Splinter Cell 3D, this modern generation make-ove... Read More

Homefront (PC) Review

Homefront (PC) Review

Note: Reviews for Homefront (PS3/Xbox 360) and Homefront (PC) have been written by different authors, so their views may differ. Please note that this is an individual review, not a supplement to the ... Read More

10 of the best water effects in video games

10 of the best water effects in video games

Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink. This conventionally misquoted line from Coleridge's Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner conveys the age old human fascination with H2O. What with it comprisin... Read More

Anonymous warns Sony about future attacks in new video

Anonymous warns Sony about future attacks in new video

[HTML1] Anonymous has issued a second press release for Sony where they reveal that future assaults on Sony would continue, however they will try their level best not to make the user-experience suff... Read More

Sony CEO: “Xbox 360 running out of steam”

Sony CEO: “Xbox 360 running out of steam”

Jack Tretton, SCEA's CEO has assaulted his two major competitors, Nintendo and Microsoft, in an interview he gave to Fortune today. Tretton seemed confident and told that the PS3 is “just hi... Read More

New Twisted Metal Trailer Reveals Release Date

New Twisted Metal Trailer Reveals Release Date

[HTML1] Check out the new trailer for the latest Twisted Metal installment, which claims the rampant racer should be out come October-time.Read More

A Short History Of Duke Nukem pt.1

A Short History Of Duke Nukem pt.1

[HTML1] As the absurdly long awaited Duke Nukem forever comes even closer to release (provided there are no more delays) let us take some time to revisit Duke's 2D side scrolling days and see how f... Read More

Mass Effect 3 Details

Mass Effect 3 Details

As promised, the latest issue of Game Informer has given the low down on the next Mass Effect game. According to the magazine, the game will start on Earth with Shepard facing trial from events in t... Read More

Nintendogs + Cats Review

Nintendogs + Cats Review

Nintendo were truly able to tap into the virgin resource of the casual gamers last generation with the Wii and DS. Part of the DS' charm to casual audiences was the presence of one of its major launch... Read More

Arkham City to feature “RPG-Style” gameplay

Arkham City to feature “RPG-Style” gameplay

In a recent interview with Arkham fansite, going by the same name, the game's director, Sefton Hill and a few others working on the game, revealed quiet an interesting aspect of the gameplay. The... Read More

inFamous 2’s visuals: We pumped everything up and took it to another level

inFamous 2’s visuals: We pumped everything up and took it to another level

We have seen a bit of inFamous 2 and it is turning out to be a promising title for the PlayStation 3. But what about the visuals? Is it going to be better than the first one? We just might have an... Read More

theHunter Review

theHunter Review

At first sight, theHunter might look like a really boring, repetitive hunting game. That is what I thought initially too. I wasn't very excited when I was told I will be reviewing a game called The Hu... Read More