The all-new PlayStation Plus has rolled out today for select regions in Asia and has already been facing some criticism. If you were looking forward to playing PS3 titles, then there’s a caveat – they still won’t support DLC according to Sony (via VGC). This actually applies to any streaming titles at present.
While it doesn’t affect PS4 titles that can also be downloaded, PS3 games are streaming-only at present. The issue has been present ever since the PlayStation Now days and has carried over to the new PlayStation Plus. In the meantime, a list of PS3 titles has been confirmed for the service. Check them out below:
- Asura’s Wrath
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2
- Crash Commando
- Devil May Cry HD Collection
- Demon’s Souls
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
- echochrome
- F.E.A.R.
- Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
- inFAMOUS 2
- Lost Planet 2
- Loco Roco Cocoreccho!
- MotorStorm Apocalypse
- MotorStorm RC
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
- Puppeteer
- Rain
- Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
- Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty
- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time
- Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus
- Resistance 3
- Super Stardust HD
- Tokyo Jungle
- When Vikings Attack
Of course, whether these will be available in Asia regions which didn’t previously have access to cloud streaming via PlayStation Now remains to be seen.
The issue with DLC in PS3 titles is far from the only criticism that the new PlayStation Plus has faced since its rollout in Asia. Certain first-party PS One titles run in 50 Hz, even non-PAL regions and some users have complained about a smaller-than-expected library of games. Extra and Premium tier subscribers should expect more titles to be added in the coming weeks so stay tuned.
The all-new PlayStation Plus launches on June 1st for Japan, June 13th for the Americas and June 22nd in Europe.