The four day celebrating of gaming that is QuakeCon opens today, right through until 5th August, at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas.
QuakeCon 2012 boasts North America’s largest bring-your-own-computer (BYOC) LAN party, a keynote by John Carmack, panels of industry icons and over $150,000 in cash prizes.
This years QuakeCon kicked off with a welcome address from Todd Hollenshead of id Software and Pete Hines of Bethesda, which led into John Carmack’s keynote address. QuakeCon 2012 also features a host of panels, such as: The Game of Making Games, Designing Multiplayer Games That Last, GTTV’s Bonus Round,’ and Idle Thumbs Podcast Live: Arena.
QuakeCon panelists include Chet Faliszek and Tom Leonard of Valve, Geoff Keighley of GTTV, G4TV’s X-Play presenter Blair Herter and Ted Price, President of Insomniac Games.
“QuakeCon is the culmination of a dedicated group of gamers, ranging from casual to hardcore, who make the trip each year to visit with friends and connect with peers on the largest LAN party in North America.,” said Todd Hollenshead.
“We couldn’t host this event without such a devoted community behind us, including hundreds of volunteers and event sponsors who are passionate about making QuakeCon 2012 the most rewarding yet.”