It wasn’t too long ago that Resident Evil was in the worst place it’s ever been, having lost sense of what made fans fall in love with it in the first place, and releasing one disappointing game after another. Over the last couple of year though, things have started looking up again, with the excellent Resident Evil 7 and the spectacular Resident Evil 2. And with the upcoming Resident Evil 3, it only looks like the series’ momentum is going to continue.
It’s clear that Resident Evil has had a lot of ups and downs, and looking back at its history and charting its successes and missteps is, as such, a very interesting activity. And in this feature, that’s exactly what we’re going to do, as we list all Resident Evil games from what we feel were the worst to the ones we felt were the best.
With all that said, let’s get started.
Umbrella Corps is the most aggressively un-Resident Evil game this series has ever had to suffer. But not only is it guilty of slapping the Resident Evil name on an unimaginative cashgrab competitive shooter, it’s also guilty of just being a bad game, period. The map design is boring, the zombies are an afterthought, the single player might as well not exist- it’s a game that’s best left forgotten (and thankfully, very soon, it probably will be).