Remedy is one of the best developers in the industry that experiments with the form and storytelling of videogames- they set a standard with Max Payne back in 2003, and then continued to push the boundaries of storytelling with Alan Wake on the Xbox 360. Quantum Break, announced exclusively for the Xbox One, promises to be their most ambitious title yet- a game focused on storytelling that seems to deftly mix TV and videogames.
Remedy believes that this ‘TV element’ will make Quantum Break great.
“We consider the Remedy brand a seal of quality. Ultimately, that’s what any brand is, and we have a certain [standard] we hold ourselves to in terms of the game. We’ve also done other experiments in storytelling and our brands have moved into different fields. We’ve seen that happen as an after thought,” said Matias Myllyrinne, CEO of Remedy.
“For example, with Max Payne there was a film that came out in 2008 starring Mark Wahlberg, which found its audience and was entertaining, but for me it’s a film that I enjoy more after two gin and tonics on an airplane.
“I think this time around, we’re more ambitious and we’re hoping to push the envelope on both the TV side and especially on the game side. The game needs to be good. It’s the starting point, anything we put out there and people put down their hard-earned 60 quid, they need to be able to rely on us to not suck,” Myllyrinne said.
It’s an ambitious game, but it remains to be seen whether Remedy can make good on its ambitions.