When the occasional some major release makes the mistake of not taking full advantage of releasing on PC as well, people make sure to let the developers know that they’re not happy. Fallout 76, for instance, launched without ultra-wide support on PC (among other things- though that has since then been added in)- Capcom, however, won’t be making that mistake with Resident Evil 2. They’ve updated the game’s Steam page to confirm that the game will feature full 21:9 aspect ratio support on PC for ultra wide monitors.
“We are happy to announce that both the demo and full game supports 21:9 aspect ratio ultra wide monitors,” the update reads. The aforementioned demo, meanwhile, is currently live on PS4, Xbox One, and PC- over a million people have played it already. If you’re not one of them, you should really look into it- it’s quite good.
Meanwhile, in related news, Resident Evil 2 on PC will also use Denuvo DRM, it was confirmed not too long ago, and will require 26 GB system storage on your PC. The game launches on PS4, Xbox One, and, of course, PC, on January 25.