Ever since the news that Tequila Works had acquired the rights to RIME, which was originally meant to be published under Sony for the PS4, some rather disturbing details had come about regarding the development. Mainly, a Neogaf source talked about how there was no game and development was in dire straits.
Tequila co-founder and creative director Raul Rubio addressed these concerns on Twitter where he stated that he had, “No comment on silliness and bollocks. But I do have crazy ideas. Some make zero sense.”
Rubio further said about development that, “It’s going well and it’s ending well.” This seems to indicate that RIME‘s development is reaching a conclusion after all.
Finally Rubio revealed that, “We are very happy with the IP rights returning home. We are working hard to make RiME the experience people expects.”
What are your thoughts on the whole controversy surrounding RIME? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more information on the same in the coming days.