At the biggest expo bang-up in Hong Kong, fans found the Spider-Man. A brand new chunk of gameplay was revealed to the crowd during the live stage event at Ani-Con & Games hosted by Sony for their upcoming Insomniac-developed title, highlighting more about the upcoming web slinging adventure.
Played by Community Director James Stevenson, the unique swinging, stealth and combat mechanics were of course touched on, but we saw some interesting gadgets, such as the Web Blossom and Web Bomb, in use as well. The highlight was easily when Spidey scaled the Empire State Building, giving us glimpses of iconic locations such as Oscorp and Avengers Towers. The demo ended shortly after Stevenson stopped a dynamic robbery and faced off against Shocker.
Recently, at Comic-Con, we also got a butload of new info on the game (and then even more info), as well as a great new trailer. If the game is so far hitting all those right, Spider-Man 2-esque notes for you as well, perhaps you’ll want to show off how much of a webhead you are with one of the special PS4 Pro systems launching alongside the PS4 exclusive game on September 7th.