Star Citizen, Squadron 42 Has 475 Staffers Currently On-Board

Foundry 42 studio director discusses the break-up of employees working at different studios.

Posted By | On 16th, Feb. 2018

It’s no secret that Star Citizen and the related single-player campaign Squadron 42 require tons of time to get right, especially given the massive scale of both. Foundry 42 studio director Erin Roberts (brother to Cloud Imperium founder Chris Roberts) understands this and revealed to DualShockers that there 475 staff members currently on the same.

The new Foundry 42 office in Derby, UK has 15 employees currently while the main office in Manchester has 234. Cloud Imperium Games has two offices in Los Angeles, California and Austin, Texas with 75 and 71 staffers respectively. Foundry 42’s office in Frankfurt, Germany has 80 people currently working on the game.

The number of staff requires is obvious – Squadron 42 is very similar in scope to a triple-A release and Star Citizen has a huge persistent universe. Creating new technology, maintaining the games and delivering more content requires the additional manpower. That being said, thanks to the number of people on-board, there should be more gameplay and content to look forward to this year as per Erin Roberts.

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