In what might probably make it the highest performing exclusive console game at launch ever, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has sold through 5 million copies worldwide. That number is sold through—which means sold, not shipped. It includes digital sales too.
The number comes to us courtesy of Nikkei, who point out that in the week of its launch, the game sold 5 million; since the game was only on sale for three days in the week of its launch, it ends up with that amount sold in three days. It comes as a surprise to no one, I suspect, given what we know about the game’s performance in the US, Japan, Australia, and Europe.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a fantastic game, loaded with content and excellent gameplay, so I personally am not even slightly surprised at how well it is doing. With some great DLC planned, and the traditional legs that Nintendo software exhibits, I can imagine it selling many millions more before all is said and done.