Tactics Ogre: Reborn Receives Final Trailer Ahead of November Launch

The remaster of Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is available on November 11th for PS4, PS5, PC, and Nintendo Switch worldwide.

Posted By | On 28th, Oct. 2022

Tactics Ogre Reborn

Tactics Ogre: Reborn launches on November 11th for PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Before its release, Square Enix has a “final trailer” serving to highlight the remaster’s various features. Check it out below.

Based on Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, the story focuses on the conflict between the Walister and the Galgastani on the Valerian Isles. As Denam, players can influence the plot through various decisions, leading to different paths and endings. The original is considered an all-time classic in the turn-based tactics genre, and Reborn improves on it in numerous ways.

Units now level up individually; the UI has been overhauled; Training Battles are available instead of random battles; and much more. Cutscenes are now fully voiced in English and Japanese, while the visuals are now high-definition. Even the music is rerecorded. New features in battle include Buff Cards, Charms, and retuned skills.

For more details on the remaster, its first hour of gameplay and differences from the original, head here.

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