Animated by Powerhouse Animation and with music by Tee Lopes, the opening showcases an epic battle in Eggman's dreamscape.
Use your controllers with your Apple products soon.
The game looks and sounds gorgeous, and seems very reminiscent of Journey.
It looks pretty pretty.
Thatgamecompany's next big adventure will arrive this Winter for Apple devices.
Apple's new TV box isn't exactly a gaming console, but it does have some perks for gamers.
Can Apple pull off the upset that no Android microconsole has managed so far?
Apple is making a play for the home console market.
What could Apple be up to?
And why, honestly, it's alright.
Apple filed a patent in March, which was recently published, for a Dualshock-esque controller for iPhones, iPods and Apple TVs that "is a schematic of a video game controller for the standalone medi... Read More