So why roll it back for PS4 owners?
It might not be a good idea to continue with voiced protagonists.
Players are doubtless going to hope that this incident does not lead to a less mod friendly product from Bethesda.
More questing but less grinding.
"Like you, we are disappointed by Sony’s decision," says Bethesda.
Assuming the console is powerful enough.
"[This is] the dumbest argument I have ever heard."
Something like that could work in an Elder Scrolls game, too.
A complete video walkthrough of Fallout 4: Nuka World.
A complete guide to Fallout 4: Nuka World.
An Elder Scrolls 6 in VR could be a pretty big deal...
So, we're not getting this till, like, 2025 at the earliest, it seems.
Revenge solves everything.
That's one theme park I don't want to visit.
The problem is not with the consoles' power.
Welcome to the ride.
The studio has a right to exercise its creative muscle, Hines argues.
Also because the name sounds good.