Trailer inside.
The soundtrack, consisting of more than 40 tracks, will release on the same day as the game
Robert Downey Jr.
Zombie and CTF modes detailed.
Tons of information about the hottest game of the year.
More good news from Treyarch.
When will the time come for the COD franchise to do something fresh? Will it come at all?
Though free for other platforms, Wii U users will be missing out on the social media network.
If you don't, Activision will neuter you.
Honestly, is there anything Back in Black doesn't sound great with?
Now players can track stats and look up developer strategies for free. Shocker!
7 million target seems possible.
Pick up 4 DLC map packs for $50 USD or $14.99 each. Pick your poison.
It features extensive stat tracking along with leaderboards.
Features detailed.
Missing the bus sounds great too.
Three pre-orider bonus offers are up being offered for those who pre-order Black Ops 2 from Gamestop.