An Exotic Rocket Launcher awaits (but not the one everyone's expecting).
Along with the Best Developer of 2014.
Here is a list of all current Legendary Ships and how to obtain them.
Which game did not delivered on the promise?
A new weapon for a new day, just don't forget the Three Little Words.
Problems with Xbox Live and PSN have prompted Bungie to extend the merchant's stay.
The Grinch has come into town.
"No one is missing out on the Cryptarch's good cheer".
Watch as they try to cheese the Guardian. Hilarity soon ensues.
This Vanquisher will help you Vanquish your foes.
Well, that is one good deal.
872.4 million (and counting) collective gameplay hours thus far.
A space age shotgun is miles better than a regular shotgun.
Xur is back but does he have what you need?
Will you be the first to claim it?
Time, patience, dedication and plenty of alts helped one player max out his level.
Running till December 22nd, the PvP event will allow players to earn 33 light gear.
How will this work, I wonder.
Advanced Warfare is top-selling title while Destiny is top-selling new IP for the year.
Xur returns with even more goodies than before.