Snake enters into the bowels of hell to seek revenge.
Movies, TV, media, apps, multiplats, timed exclusives. Now who does that remind me of?
An underwater journey.
So many free to play games!
Yay, I guess?
It's not Rainbow Six: Titanfall is what we're saying.
Thank you, 8GB of GDDR5 RAM.
'Good luck, nerds.'
That is a hell of a remaster.
New sequences and gameplay features will help the original Ratchet and Clank stand out.
Hitting golf balls over battleships? Really?
That's werewolves for the rest of ye.
Drake's last bow?
Heading to PS3 and PS Vita eventually.
And it's about damn time.
No two players will start on the same planet.
Like, seriously?
From Software's next game is finally named.
Another Conduit enters the fray.