Eric Baptizat is also known for being lead designer on titles like Assassin's Creed Origins and Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag.
What narrative directions could BioWare's space opera franchise possibly be headed in?
An animation rewrite enabled by the new HyperMotion tech, defensive and AI improvements, and much more are shown off in this new trailer.
Remaking a beloved horror game is no easy task. Thankfully, the upcoming Dead Space remake can take notes from a recent game that did just that.
Obi Edolasim is the newest Legend to join the roster and can track enemies by their heartbeats while also interrupting them with micro-drones.
Several improvements have also been made to the PC version, including improvements to DLSS implementation, options for ray-tracing quality, and more.
EA Motive's upcoming remake needs to ensure it improves upon the original in these key ways.
EA Sports currently boasts a collective audience of 230 million players, but is looking to more than double that over the coming years.
New details on Boost and Elimination, the former focused on Electric cars and the latter being a vehicle survival mode, also revealed.
The new trailer also showcases the new Rampage LMG, new cosmetics in the battle pass and some abilities for the new Legend, Seer.
In an interview with IGN, the Dead Space remake's creative director talks about his plans for including accessibility options in the game.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD drops down to second place, while a PS5 restock results in sales boosts for several of its games.
Of course, several EA Motive developers who worked on Star Wars: Squadrons are also at work on the survival horror remake.
The beloved sci-fi survival horror series is returning at long last, with a remake of the very first game- here's what you should know about it,
An undercover mining operation was recently raided by the Ukranian police and was found to be using 3800 PS4s to grind FUT cards in FIFA 21.
"Directing the original Dead Space was one of the highlights of my career," says Glen Schofield, who is currently working on a horror game of his own.
Several new job listings reveal that the Titanfall and Fallen Order studio has a new single player title in early development at the moment.
The next big sequel in the fantasy RPG series will reportedly return to being a single player-focused affair after the failure of Anthem.
Motive Studios is "learning from mistakes such as microtransactions" and will "never" have them in the remake, says senior producer Phil Ducharme.
Motive's Philippe Ducharme and Roman Campos-Oriola talk about staying true to the original's vision while enhancing the immersion.