Switch owners have fine taste.
Switch achieves in a year and a half what it took the PS4 more than double that time to achieve.
The update brings improvements to stability, of course.
The announcement trailer for the original Valkyria Chronicles coming to the Nintendo Switch has also been released.
Your final look at this wonderful world.
No, no they are not, 2K.
Sony "still not listening to gamers", according to Xbox exec.
Square Enix's eagerly anticipated RPG is now available for Western audiences.
We get to see a conversation between AJ and Clementine in this video titled 'You're Still Little.'
The High Stakes limited-time event will become available in the game this week.
ThroughLine's gorgeous 2D platformer doesn't have a Western Switch release date yet.
Epic Games provided details about the upcoming Event at PAX West.
The game's total size on the Switch comes up to 31.5 GB.
"That isn’t how we like to design games."
Which makes sense, given the kind of game The World Ends With You is.
It’s basically Nintendo and PS4 in the top five.
You should install the game directly to system memory in the meanwhile.
“We’re thinking about it.”
“Gamers want to play various games of various types, so the most important thing is that these people who love games are happy.”
Switch owners get to play a modern classic next month.