11 bit Studios narrows down the Zelda-like dungeon crawler's release date for Fall.
Stefan Nitkulinec discusses the new features and improvements that Moonfall Ultimate brings to players.
Everything you need to know about Just Dance 2019.
EA isn’t backing off, it seems.
Including a whole lot of Legendary Cores.
Final Fantasy 15, on Nintendo Switch at last (though not in the way you might have wanted it).
"We are always encouraging the player to play more aggressively."
It’s... pretty much exactly what you would expect.
Goodness this game is the cutest thing ever.
The co-op multiplayer action RPG will be coming to the PS4 and Switch.
And it is every bit as adorable as you might expect.
The remastered RPG has been delayed from its initial 2018 release.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 is one of the deepest, best strategy games we have had in years.
Everything you need to know about Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.
In other words, games that might need it the most.
But does it include the “do a barrel roll!” line?
It seems like cloud save implementation will be quick and painless.
The Switch port includes additional civilizations, four more playable scenarios, and multiplayer.
Bringing the big guns (and some small ones too).
Preview some of EA's latest football sim before it launches worldwide.