The Switch has some cracking games in store for fans.
Mat Piscatella, analyst at NPD shares his thoughts regarding microtransactions in the past year, Game Pass, and future sales performance of consoles.
Adam Boyes and his team can make it happen if given the chance.
"Doing the best work of our lives."
The Nintendo Switch's first year lineup is truly incomparable.
It even has the epic music from that story trailer!
Think you can take me? Don't forget me.
"We can assure you we're not that clever" says the company.
Seems like the New Nintendo Switch XL is a long way off...
It's costumes like you never knew.
New Game Plus, and other improvements.
Sweet dreams, they say.
It's 823MB, so it's far smaller than the Yakuza 6 demo.
March is packed with a number of big releases. Here's what to look out for.
Version 2.3.0 fixes tons of issues.
That lasted, what, all of two days?
Throwback to The Wind Waker.
PS4 falls even as its software continues to do well.
"If there was a really cool idea for us to do, then we would certainly be thinking about DLC."