"I just love the way they invented the Switch and the way they’ve taken it to market."
But Sega will give a free copy of the original Sonic game to anyone who pre-ordered the PC version.
Comic book artist Tyson Hesse makes Sonic (and friends) look good.
The Switch continues to get great indie game support.
Two modes will be playable- Kick Off, and Pro Clubs.
I guess that's what having an actual good screen and resolution will do for you.
However, if you have a Japanese account you can still check it out.
"Sony is the only major console provider, who has basically not updated its rumble feature since the late 90s."
The Japanese gaming market is back, baby!
That's the same as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Some characters see nerfs while Rush gauge gain has been changed.
Metroid: Samus Returns and Fire Emblem Warriors will also be present.
Well, that doesn't sound all that encouraging...
Making the Switch, get ready for this.
Head to head 16-bit platforming competition.
Presenting the "best looking NBA game possible."
It looks like there's quite a bit in the works for Nintendo's quirky shooter.
Due out some time next year, though an exact release date was not announced.
Mario's unique abilities in this turn based strategy RPG crossover shown off in new trailer.
15 times video games made people lose their marbles.