DICE CEO Patrick Soderlund. says Geo-leaderboards and cloud computing could make it possible.
Lead designer Eric Boljes talks about mixed reactions to the game.
Killzone: Shadow Fall debuts at fourth place in UK sales charts.
A complete video walkthrough for Lego Marvel Super Heroes.
Director Hideo Kojima also talks about the meaning of "Ground Zeroes" and smartphone implementation.
43 kills without dying. Yeah.
What will Fallout 4 feature that wasn't possible on Fallout 3?
And hopefully, it won't be delayed again.
How can anyone say no to explosions in slow motion?
Dying Light's senior engine programmer Tomasz Szalkowski talks about the power of the console.
Another media app comes to PS4.
It has also made the development of The Crew much faster.
Similar to the North American launch two weeks ago.
Along with several bugs and issues.
Siren is actually Rime, says Sony.
The Quantic Dream head gives his thoughts on next gen consoles.
Also marks the game's debut on PS4.
Jason Rubin also comments on the Wii U's sales.
Doges and kitties. Oh yes.
A complete guide for Knack.