'But it was shelved because it looked like a horror.'
Things are very metal.
Brian Wheeler details out the new changes.
Server and Obliteration fixes
Bugs may be included.
Which company is Semag recruiting for? Well...
And yes, it can take a beating.
The Farm 51 has released the first details regarding its new shotoer.
Perhaps the biggest year for gaming, but which titles earned the right to be Game of the Year?
Development will not be completely devoted to just smartphone devices.
Has further proof of Eli's identity arrived?
Bad news if you bought the DLC on current gen and attempted to activate it on next-gen.
Infinity Ward has a lot of changes planned for the coming months.
Slightly Mad Studios talks about the challenges of developing for the PS4.
Things are looking good
Focuses on gameplay improvements
Plus a few tid bits about the game.
The transition from FrostBite 2 To FrostBite 3 has been rough.
The handheld's sales were up 65 percent within the PS4's launch week.
Bruce Straley and Neil Druckmann express their thoughts on the same.