Archive For ps4 Tag

Housemarque: PS4 Is “Powerful Enough To Blow Your Pants off”, Will Use Touchpad In Unexpected Ways

Housemarque: PS4 Is “Powerful Enough To Blow Your Pants off”, Will Use Touchpad In Unexpected Ways

We talk to the RESOGUN dev about next-gen processes and what we can expect from their PS4 launch title.

500 Free Copies of Call of Duty: Ghosts to be Given at EB Games Expo

500 Free Copies of Call of Duty: Ghosts to be Given at EB Games Expo

Of course, there's a catch.

Battlefield 4 Disable System Detailed

Battlefield 4 Disable System Detailed

A new Critical Hit system have been implemented for vehicles.

Shadow Warrior New Details Revealed: Story, Weapons and Length of Single Player Campaign

Shadow Warrior New Details Revealed: Story, Weapons and Length of Single Player Campaign

"The story is a lot more engrossing in the new Shadow Warrior."

Dev Explains Why NBA Live 14 Is On PS4/Xbox One Only, Talks About Ignite Engine Benefits

Dev Explains Why NBA Live 14 Is On PS4/Xbox One Only, Talks About Ignite Engine Benefits

'It has allowed the team to concentrate on building an engine for the future.'

Sources Claim PS4 Is ‘Noticeably Faster’ Than Xbox One

Sources Claim PS4 Is ‘Noticeably Faster’ Than Xbox One

Developers speak about how PS4 outshines the Xbox One.

Call Of Duty: Ghosts Started Out As Modern Warfare 4

Call Of Duty: Ghosts Started Out As Modern Warfare 4

Mark Rubin talks about Call of Duty: Ghosts

Naughty Dog: PS4 Could Help Us Add Dynamism to Story-telling on “Moment to Moment” Basis

Naughty Dog: PS4 Could Help Us Add Dynamism to Story-telling on “Moment to Moment” Basis

Neil Druckmann talks about utilizing next gen technology to advance story-telling.

Arkane Studios Hiring for Next Gen Projects, Possibly Prey 2

Arkane Studios Hiring for Next Gen Projects, Possibly Prey 2

Or could this be the first sign of Dishonored 2?

DriveClub 60 FPS Not Confirmed, Developer “Pushing PS4 Hard” to Achieve it

DriveClub 60 FPS Not Confirmed, Developer “Pushing PS4 Hard” to Achieve it

Currently running at 1080p and 30 frames per second.

SpeedTree Interview: Cloud Computing, Next Gen Consoles, Realistic Foliage and More

SpeedTree Interview: Cloud Computing, Next Gen Consoles, Realistic Foliage and More

We talk about the present and future of the virtual vegetation creator with Kevin Meredith.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Let it be Quiet Everywhere

Metal Gear Solid 5: Let it be Quiet Everywhere

The lone woman stands alone, with nothing left, on a pedestal and being judged by the world. Sound familiar?

Bound By Flame Latest Video Shows Combat In Action

Bound By Flame Latest Video Shows Combat In Action

A new RPG from Spiders Studio.

PS4 Vs Xbox One War Will Reignite Gaming Industry – SCEA Boss

PS4 Vs Xbox One War Will Reignite Gaming Industry – SCEA Boss

A few words from the head of PlayStation America.

SpeedTree on In-Game Wind Simulation: Good Behavior With Less CPU/GPU Processing Time is Tough

SpeedTree on In-Game Wind Simulation: Good Behavior With Less CPU/GPU Processing Time is Tough

"It’s always a balancing act between quality and performance."

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Trailer Details Next-Gen Features

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Trailer Details Next-Gen Features

Check out how the current and next gen versions differ.

RESOGUN Dev: PS4 Is All ‘Raw Power’, GDDR5 RAM And GPU Will Result In Better Multiplatform Games
PS4 Shortage: Sony Holding Back Inventory to Ensure Day One Availability

PS4 Shortage: Sony Holding Back Inventory to Ensure Day One Availability

Production yields have been phenomenal though, according to SCEA head Jack Tretton.

Kickstarter For Project Phoenix Closes At Over $1 Million

Kickstarter For Project Phoenix Closes At Over $1 Million

Project Phoenix closes after a hugely successful Kickstarter campaign

Amazon Germany Lists GTA V for PS4, Removes Listing

Amazon Germany Lists GTA V for PS4, Removes Listing

What a singularly redundant turn of events.