Capcom's survival horror franchise ironically refuses to die.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and Resident Evil 2 also continued to perform well.
The best leading men and ladies in games from recent years.
The year has showcased some incredible visual styles all around.
From middling to downright mortifying, these games failed to meet expectations.
The two teams mostly communicated about the shared game engine.
The game is a "finished product."
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered, too, saw great digital sales.
A small tweak to the Nemesis was connecting tissue to the series future.
Just when you thought these fights was over, these bosses unveil other new forms.
The costumes were originally pre-order bonuses
Final Fantasy 7 Remake sees a 90 per cent drop in sales.
Reshades, classic models and one terrifying tank engine - these are the mods to check out.
More characters for the multiplayer function.
Square Enix's remake was the top-selling new release in Japan for the week.
Give your thoughts on the remake.
Resident Evil 3, meanwhile, sees a significant drop in sales.
Capcom can learn much about what to do and what not to do in their future RE remakes from their recent efforts.
Here's how to find all the different safes and lockers along with their solutions.
Capcom's latest remake notches up impressive figures just five days after launch.