The hedgehog managed to beat out Detective Pikachu by a hair.
Darksiders Genesis also debuts for other platforms in the UK, selling the most units on PS4.
On the hardware front, the Switch sees a surge in sales.
A quiet week for software sales in Japan.
Other new releases like New Sakura Wars and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 also underperformed.
Display size for the user interface will also be expanded.
Elsewhere, Dragon Ball: Z Kakarot drops down to fourth place.
The latest mainline Yakuza title is selling pretty well in Japan.
While familiar and more than a little routine, Mandate of Heaven offers some fun new options.
Western audiences finally get a taste of the beloved MMO.
Pokemon is finally dethroned.
In anticipation of Sonic's 30th anniversary next year.
The RPG comes with plenty of DLC right off the bat.
A lot of new content comes beside Mandate of Heaven.
The next few games will most like be similar to Like a Dragon.
The stream is meant to coincide with the game's Japanese launch.
Battle through 30 floors with special rules or venture underground for tougher challenges.
The people who handled the English dub for Judgment might be working on the next Yakuza's western launch as well?
Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu awards the game a near-perfect score.
The collection's steelbook case gets highlighted in a new trailer.