Archive For Steam Tag

Who Wants To Be A Sci-Fi Millionaire? Special Edition Announced

Who Wants To Be A Sci-Fi Millionaire? Special Edition Announced

Test your sci-fi knowledge with Deep Silver's new quiz game.

The Walking Dead: Episode 4 Released – Hi Ho Savannah!

The Walking Dead: Episode 4 Released – Hi Ho Savannah!

Telltale Games takes us on a ride to further trauma.

Total War: Shogun 2 modding tools are now out

Total War: Shogun 2 modding tools are now out

Bring on the Pokemon mods!

Left4Dead 3 Happening “Some Time Down the Road”

Left4Dead 3 Happening “Some Time Down the Road”

But as Valve writer Chet Faliszek states, "that's not a promise of when or where".

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes Review

The Testament of Sherlock Holmes Review

"An incredible story that ranks among the best Holmes stories ever told."

Tiny Troopers Review

Tiny Troopers Review

"It's not the best at anything it does, but it is fun."

Trion Worlds Annouces Storm Legion Pre-order for Saving Giant Panda

Trion Worlds Annouces Storm Legion Pre-order for Saving Giant Panda

Looks to send a message with it's new campaign.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Teaser Trailer Released

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Teaser Trailer Released

Obvious title is obvious?

The Amazing Spider-Man video game available digitally

The Amazing Spider-Man video game available digitally

New DLC also out now

Wargame European Escalation Receives New “Commander” DLC, Discount on Steam

Wargame European Escalation Receives New “Commander” DLC, Discount on Steam

New maps and a reduced cost are now available for loyal gamers and newbies alike.

Might and Heroes VI Gold Edition Official Trailer: For the King!

Might and Heroes VI Gold Edition Official Trailer: For the King!

Includes original game and a wealth of content, including two Adventure packs.

Secret Files 3 Demo Now Available for PC

Secret Files 3 Demo Now Available for PC

The battle against the conspiracy begins again.

Magic: The Gathering- Duels 2013 Expansion Now Available

Magic: The Gathering- Duels 2013 Expansion Now Available

On Xbox Live, PSN, Steam and the App Store.

Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD now available on Steam

Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD now available on Steam

No online. Bummer.

Secret Files 3 Now Available Exclusively for PC via Steam

Secret Files 3 Now Available Exclusively for PC via Steam

Dammit CERN, why can't you stop being evil?

Jagged Alliance: Crossfire Review

Jagged Alliance: Crossfire Review

Jagged Alliance: Crossfire is the standalone expansion pack released for Jagged Alliance: Back in Action. Back in Action is in itself a remake of the classic strategy game hit. And while the original ... Read More

Worms Revolution Now Available for Pre-Order on Steam, Goodies to be Had

Worms Revolution Now Available for Pre-Order on Steam, Goodies to be Had

But seriously, it's Worms. What other reason do you need?

Valve: List of first 10 titles coming to Steam from Greenlight, includes Black Mesa!
EA Reportedly “Held Talks to Acquire Valve for $1 Billion”

EA Reportedly “Held Talks to Acquire Valve for $1 Billion”

Guess how that turned out?

Steam userbase reaches 50 million, Big Picture Mode trailer

Steam userbase reaches 50 million, Big Picture Mode trailer

50 million in a short time.