Test your sci-fi knowledge with Deep Silver's new quiz game.
Telltale Games takes us on a ride to further trauma.
Bring on the Pokemon mods!
But as Valve writer Chet Faliszek states, "that's not a promise of when or where".
"An incredible story that ranks among the best Holmes stories ever told."
"It's not the best at anything it does, but it is fun."
Looks to send a message with it's new campaign.
Obvious title is obvious?
New DLC also out now
New maps and a reduced cost are now available for loyal gamers and newbies alike.
Includes original game and a wealth of content, including two Adventure packs.
The battle against the conspiracy begins again.
On Xbox Live, PSN, Steam and the App Store.
No online. Bummer.
Dammit CERN, why can't you stop being evil?
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire is the standalone expansion pack released for Jagged Alliance: Back in Action. Back in Action is in itself a remake of the classic strategy game hit. And while the original ... Read More
But seriously, it's Worms. What other reason do you need?
This was surprising.
Guess how that turned out?
50 million in a short time.