These platformers will push your skills to the limit.
These 15 instances of excessive padding in games is sure to bother you while enjoying these otherwise great experiences.
These titles looked simply jaw-dropping back in the day.
Inverted camera controls and general gameplay fixes also included.
Mario deserves a celebration with much more pomp and grandeur.
Every now and then, Nintendo pushes its luck a bit too far. This is one of those times.
The collection includes Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy.
The consistently leaked 3D remasters collection could be unveiled soon.
That's a lot of Mario games.
Much as we may pine, these games won't be getting easier any time soon.
To no one’s surprise, Mario Kart, Smash, Zelda, and Mario lead the charge.
These mysteries have been driving us insane.
Can you face yourself and live? These 15 examples sure did.