Who said this game wasn't popular anymore?
Pokemon Goes to China, at last.
With the ability to encounter Celebi in game...
Ice Types for the next few months, then.
A thoroughly detailed guide for Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon.
Everything you need to know about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon
Recent milestone reached thanks to sales in Japan for Pokemon UltraSun and UltraMoon.
Oh my, who is chopping up onions in here...
Alongside some other, really neat features.
Welcome to Alola!
More and more, these games are seeming like love letters to long time Pokemon fans.
"All of our projects have a positive effect on one another."
All of this sounds really promising...
So what you're saying is, Hoenn confirmed?
That's a little bit more than Pokemon Sun/Moon.
The true terror of the Ultra Beasts.
Being the very best, like no one ever was.
Finally, some information about the game.
Well, look how that turned out.
"With the Switch, we see it as a chance to create Pokémon that goes deeper and with a higher level of expression."