Within a span of 24 hours, of course.
Expect new details on the game very soon.
Identical to PlayStation 4 placeholder prices.
Highest ever number of pre-orders in the retailer's 24 year history.
Could the Xbox One be the first major console in history to not have its name on the box?
How well did the animation tech from GDC hold up? Let's find out.
And sadly, no Toki Tori 2 for Vita at this point.
Leaked promo poster promises number of customization options including gender.
Region locks will continue on Xbox One
Phil Harrison confirms that no one will be watching you while you're in the living room
Developers such as Ubisoft Montreal and Remedy also licensing tech for future projects.
AMD, making it rain.
Check out some amazing wallpapers for Forza 5.
Not a gaming device though. Nope.
Check out some amazing wallpapers for Xbox One.
New graphical changes and their relevance to gameplay is discussed.
Outlines new Horizon system for always finding stuff to do.
"Levolution" to provide sandbox style mission layouts.
And that frankly says it all.
Though again, Microsoft is tight-lipped about the feature.