The Division 2’s private beta is currently ongoing, and will be live for a few more hours. Ubisoft recently released a patch for the beta that fixed some known issues, most of which pertained to crashes. A new update for the beta has now been released as well, and makes similar fixes on all three systems.
According to an update posted by the developers on the Ubisoft forums, update 2.02 will fix issues with performance degradation and the game crashing after long sessions of play. However, the update also notes that after this patch, some players might now experience issues with sound after prolonged play sessions. To fix these, you’re going to have to restart the game.
Those playing The Division 2’s beta will be able to experience some of the endgame content the game will have to offer on launch, including trying out one of its three Specialization classes (which you will get in the game upon hitting Level 30) and the chance to try out an Invaded mission. Get to it before the beta shuts down later today.
The Division 2 launches in full on March 15 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.