When will The Elder Scrolls 6 be announced? It’s almost become a joke at this point. Sure, Bethesda have made it quite clear that it’s not going to happen yet, but somehow, we can’t help but keep talking about it. Well, at least the studio seems to have a sense of humour about it.
A fan recently asked Bethesda’s Pete Hines on Twitter if there would indeed be a Fallout 5 some time in the future, or if the series would just go down the Half-Life route. Rather than giving a direct answer to the question, though, Hines actually said something quite amusing. He told the fan to pipe down about Fallout 5, because if people waiting for The Elder Scrolls 6 heard him, things probably wouldn’t end well.
We know what he means- I haven’t been able to keep calm about The Elder Scrolls 6 either. If you’re as hyped about a game that isn’t going to be announced for years yet as I am, I recommend you read our weekly Elder Scrolls 6 speculation articles. We talk about everything from the game’s potential setting, to whether it should have naval combat, to how it should make better use of emergent gameplay, to whether or not it could be a prequel, and much, much more.
You might want to keep that down a little. If the Elder Scrolls fans hear you, you're gonna get an earful. Trust me.
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) December 31, 2017