I‘m going to make this perfectly clear at the very beginning (though I’m sure most people reading this have opted out of reading and went right for the comment section): These suggestions in NO WAY mean there is anything wrong with the original. These are simply opinions we believe fans would enjoy not seeing in the sequel.
Now that that’s out of the way, The Last of Us is considered one of the most beloved games of last gen. Receiving over 200 video game awards, several of which were the most coveted Game of the Year Award from across the internet, there’s no doubt that people believed in Naughty Dog and their pure vision of The Last of Us.
Here is our list of 15 things we don’t want to see in [the possibly in development] The Last of Us 2: Revenge of the Creepers! … Okay. I made that subtitle up.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Same Characters
Both Joel and Ellie had phenomenal chemistry as a father/daughter relationship blossomed through their months on the road. And in turn on their own roads of who they were and what emotional barriers they were crossing in their lives. In the sequel we’d love to have new playable characters with a new, amazing story arc with emotional impact that those two gave us. Joel and Ellie’s story had a satisfactory ending and we wouldn’t want that tainted by bringing them back for more.