It’s no surprise by this point that a new Naughty Dog game has come along and set yet another benchmark for visual fidelity in games, and the fact that The Last of Us Part 2 does it on hardware that was outdated even when it launched seven years ago makes it that much more impressive. In true Naughty Dog fashion, the game is also brimming with tiny little details that come together to bring its world and characters to life in truly incredible fashion, and here in this feature, that’s what we will be talking about.
Ellie spending a good two or more house in the densely snow-covered region of Jackson, Wyoming when the game begins, and The Last of Us Part 2 does some really cool stuff with that environment. For instance, when you kill enemies and they fall dead to the ground, if you pay close attention, you’ll be able to see the hot blood pooling out of their corpses melting the snow around them.