Much like other Naughty Dog titles, The Last of Us Part 2 is littered with Easter eggs, from references to the previous game to, well, other games from the studio. Let’s take a look at such Easter eggs here. Spoilers lay within for those who haven’t finished the story so be warned.
At one point, you’ll find a number of notes written by Boris, who was well known for his archery. This eventually leads to his house, among other things. If you explore the Hillcrest neighborhood and enter the store near the van (with a banner for WLF rules to follow draped over it), you’ll even find an archery trophy that Boris won. Interestingly enough, his full name is Boris Legasov. Sound familiar? That’s because of characters from the TV show Chernobyl named Boris Shcherbina and Valery Legasov. Considering that director Johan Renick is working on the pilot for The Last of Us TV show, it’s definitely more than just a coincidence.