One of the best parts of The Last of Us Part 2‘s debut trailer at the PlayStation Experience was seeing how Ellie had grown since the previous game’s ending. And while it was heartbreaking to see the once innocent girl now turned into a presumably murderous psychopath, there was also a thrill to seeing the character’s growth.
Physically, too, Ellie’s growth and transformation was remarkable, epitomized perhaps best by the tattoo on her arm. And speaking on Twitter, Naughty Dog revealed how the tattoo had been created, revealing that artist Natalie Hall had designed the tattoo, and that Alexandria Neonakis, who is a UI artist at Naughty Dog, kindly lent her arm as practicing grounds while the design was being perfected.
So that’s interesting to find out. I wonder what the explanation for Ellie’s tattoo will be in game? It’ll be interesting to find out, but that is a ways off, given that The Last of Us Part 2 is currently very early in development.