Naughty Dog caught lightning in a bottle with The Last of Us, a game that has gone down in history as one of the greatest of all time, so to say that the upcoming sequel has a lot to live up to is quite an understatement. But Naughty Dog is one of few studios in the industry right now that has the chops to meet such a monumental task head-on, and in all that we’ve seen of The Last of Us Part 2 so far, things certainly look promising, with plenty of improvements, changes, and additions to the first game’s foundation. In this feature, we’ll be talking about the 10 biggest ways the upcoming sequel is changing things from the first game. Without further ado, let’s jump right in.
It goes without saying that the vast majority of people play The Last of Us for its story and single player content, but the first game also had a surprisingly good multiplayer mode. Unlike multiplayer modes in most narratively-driven single player titles that felt forced and unnecessary, The Last of Us’ Factions was unique and engaging, and felt like it had a place of its own in the game and the overall experience. Which is why it was more than a little surprising when Naughty Dog announced that there would be no multiplayer in The Last of Us Part 2, with the studio saying that it wanted to devote all its attention and resources to the game’s campaign- which it says is the largest and most ambitious campaign it’s ever made. That said, Naughty Dog have also said that they do have a team of people working on Factions, and that the mode will one day return– just not in The Last of Us Part 2. So while it’s disappointing that Factions won’t be coming back just yet, we can at least rest assured with the knowledge that we haven’t seen the last of the multiplayer mode yet.