Monster Hunter Rise
The ending of a Monster Hunter title isn’t something you’d think too much about. Many fans treat the story as a glorified tutorial while endgame is where things really get rolling. But at least a game like Monster Hunter World properly concluded with the reveal and battle against Xeno’jiiva. At launch, Monster Hunter Rise sees you defeating Narwa the Thunder Serpent, after which it falls through the ground, its fate unknown. Upon celebrating back at the village, you see the twins Hinoa and Minoto near the lake, seemingly speaking the thoughts of Narwa and its mate Ibushi. And then the game ends.
No credits, no explanation, nothing. The various residents do speak of a new enemy on the horizon but everything is kept intentionally vague. Regardless, your battle against the true final boss is essentially missing. It isn’t until the true ending is added post-launch that the player takes on Ibushi and then Narwa the Allmother to finally end the Rampage. This may not seem like a big deal now but it created some backlash at the time.