2011 has been very good to the Xbox 360. There haven’t been enough exclusives on the system, yes, but there’s been a constant stream of great games. And more titles seem to be coming through for the system: multiplats like Elder Scrolls V and Assassin’s Creed and more and exclusives such as Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary and… well, yeah.
2012 seems to be no different. Though not many Xbox-only titles have been announced for next year, a lot of great titles have been announced otherwise. Here’s a rundown of 10 such titles.
X-COM, the famous series in the 1990s hasn’t seen any action for a long time now, and finally, we’ll be getting a reboot of the series next year, with 2K’s XCOM. Surprisingly, XCOM is going to be a First Person Shooter, and not a strategy game. Despite the switchover, XCOM looks to be a very promising game. The developers 2K Martin have promised that the game will have several elements from past games in the series, so fans of the old time games won’t be disappointed either. We don’t know much about this game yet, but we’re still looking forward to it.
After the two absolutely stunning Advanced Warfighter games, we never saw more of the Ghost Recon series, much to our surprise. And now, after so many years, the Ghost Recon series is returning. Set in a near future, with some new gadgets, partially destructible cover, and the same tight action that we’ve come to love the Ghost Recon series for, Future Soldier looks like it’ll far outdo the GRAW games in all aspects. But right now, all we can do it wait, So wait we will, but we have our eye on Future Soldier for sure.
The Witcher 2, with its superb graphics, deep choice based gameplay and complex and action packed RPG mechanics took everybody by surprise when it was released a few months back on the PC, and demonstrated just how good WRPGs can actually be. When CDPR announced that they will be bringing The Witcher 2 to the Xbox 360, our expectations went sky high. We know there will be some changes- for better or for worse- on the console version, but basically, it’s still the same, awesome game that we fell in love with earlier this year. So we’re saving some money and keeping it away till earlier next year, which is when The Witcher 2 comes out.