Team Fortress 2
Release Year: 2007
It’s amazing that I am listing another compilation of The Orange Box which just goes to show the awesomeness of Valve. If you have a light hearted approach to video games and you love cartoonish characters and obviously love to blow stuff up with your friends, than there was no better option than Team Fortress 2. Being an out and out multiplayer game, it received amazing critical response with many praising it’s game play elements like team work, promotion and level design.
Half Life 2
Release Year: 2004
5 years in to development and a whopping $40 Million in to production, Half Life 2 is often hailed as the greatest PC game ever. The game was perfect in all sense, name the game play elements and Half Life 2 excelled in all. A whopping 6.5 million copies sold and an untold number of digital versions downloaded via Steam and the fact that every hardcore gamer still plays it even now is enough ode to a great game. Later on Valve released two episodes for Half Life 2 and a third one is rumoured to be in production.
Baldurs Gate 2: Shadows of Amn
Release Year: 2000
Bioware are awesome, aren’t they? They make great games and fantastic franchises. If there is any developer that deserves a noble award for excellence in RPG’s than its Bioware and trust me I don’t think that’s an overstatement. Just like its predecessor, Baldurs Gate 2 plays in an isometric view. The characters in the game were crazy which for some reason added more depth to the player’s immersion. The game was pretty difficult which made the player to think about more ways about how to go about a particular situation.
Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty
Release Year: 2010
Released after 12 years, the sequel to the military science fiction real time strategy game Starcraft, Starcraft 2 improved on every aspect that the original thrived on. The game was praised for its innovative story structure which added a whole new dimension to the depth of the characters. The amount of online content that was made available to the end user was remarkable and the matchmaking feature was pretty much improved and was similar to ones that we found on PSN and XBL. The game had decades of polish and was surprisingly able to bring the same old fun to the table.