inXile Entertainment’s Wasteland 3 has a new patch available which introduces a host of balance changes, bug fixes and overall improvements. Patch 1.2.0 resolves issues like the starting Rangers’ attributes going into the negative, progression blockers in the Yuma County Speedway and Little Hell and much more. It’s worth reading the full patch notes here.
One of the more notable changes made is regarding the XP needed to level up. Requirements for levels 8 to 20 have been “slightly” increased but from 20 to 30, you’ll need significantly more XP. This change was made to players over-leveling content and to keep things challenging as one heads into the end-game.
Critical hit chance has also been adjusted with enemies having 62.5 percent of their original value. Players will also see the critical hit chance conferred by Intelligence reduced from 25 to 20 percent; gear, mods and even Major Tomcat’s bonuses to the same have also been reduced. Though bonus crit chance has been removed from light armor helmets, they now have bonuses to evasion or status effect resistance instead.
Check out some of the patch notes below. Wasteland 3 is currently available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. More features are coming next year, like permadeath and details on DLC so stay tuned.
- The intro cinematic and live-action short are now viewable from the main menu under a Special Features option.
- When switching away from and back to the original two Rangers, their attributes will no longer change to negative values.
- Resolved an issue where characters would play the cover animation repeatedly when moving into cover from a crouch.
- Sawblade ammo has been added into merchants and enemy drop tables.
- You were right. More sniper ammo has been added into the intro Ambush scene.
- Vendors have smartened up and will no longer trigger Antique Appraiser on junk that you’ve repurchased.
- Fixed an issue where Yuma County Speedway Doors were not interactable under certain conditions.
- Fixed two conversation issues with Liberty that could fail to advance and require restarting the game.
- Fixed an issue where the Rebel Scout would not appear in Hoon Homestead after being sent there to meet [redacted].