There were a lot of great games at E3 this year, and with a bunch of new titles being announced for the next gen hardware that’s being released in November we’ve got plenty of great games that a had big open worlds to check out. Some are brand new ideas, while others are simply improvements on mechanics, the scope of the game and general advancements that come with some wonderfully new and thrilling technical choices.
There are plenty of great games on there way already and we can’t even get our hands on the new consoles yet. I for one have been chomping at the bit just waiting for my PS4 to show up so I can play some of these titles that have not failed in getting noticed by the public. With this leap in hardware it looks like we’re going to be seeing as a lot more cross-platform titles too. So no matter what you choose, there is going to be some great new worlds to explore come November. Even if open worlds aren’t your thing E3 had so many titles to offer this year there was a bit of something for everyone.
1. Watch dogs: (Windows, 360, Wii U, PS3, PS4, Xbox One)
This one doesn't need much of an introduction. Most of us have been following this game for awhile now, but in case you’ve been stationed in the arctic circle for the last few months “Watch Dogs,” is an open-world game that takes place in the near future. This is a particularly interesting title because it’s not only one of the first open world games to be released on the new generation of consoles, but also has a few new mechanics that we’ve never really seen in a game before. A major one is being to access various electronic devices and hardware in the world. Of course you'll have all the standard tools at your disposal, guns, hand-to-hand combat, driving, car theft, etc. What makes this one different is your character’s mobile phone has the ability to hack and hijack other devices and information from security systems, buildings, ATM's and even other phones. This is an especially interesting idea given the situation with the NSA and the nature of “always connected” devices as well. If done correctly Watch Dogs can easily have a lot of gamers walking away with some profound questions about the world we live in, not to mention the technology we choose to interact with.