With every good boss fight that challenged you or offered some fun mechanics to embrace this year, there were several that didn’t. Damage sponges, cheap attacks, or just being an underwhelming threat as a whole – these are the 12 worst bosses of 2021 that encompass these problems (and many more).
Dimitrescu’s Daughters – Resident Evil Village
In the lead-up to Resident Evil Village, Dimitrescu and her daughters – Bela, Cassandra and Daniela – seemed like they’d be a major part of the game. While that proved false, Lady Alcina still managed to provide a memorable fight. The same can’t be said for her daughters though. After effortlessly stalking Ethan throughout the castle, being invulnerable to all kinds of damage and seemingly being unkillable, they were undone by…a gust of cold wind? It’s like killing if the T-1000 was killed after being frozen and didn’t reassemble itself (but on three separate occasions so you got the point).