After Bungie delivered the excellent The Taken King, there were many who believed that Destiny would only go from strength to strength, and that Destiny 2 would be as much of an improvement over the expansion as it was over the first base game. At launch, that turned out to be… well, not the case. Destiny 2 was good, solid fun, but it ultimately not much of a step up, while it even actually took several steps back in many important areas. However, just as The Taken King did with Destiny 1, Forsaken came along and completely turned the tables for Destiny 2, delivering upon the promise of a vastly improved experience that the base game itself could not deliver on. With Activision no longer throttling Bungie’s creative vision, we can only hope that Destiny 3 won’t need to be in the same position, and the excellent work that the developers did with Forsaken, to put it mildly, instils a great deal of confidence.
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