Video game industry rumors are a funny thing, capable of inspiring hope as much as vitriol. The credibility of leakers, the volatile nature of development, the constant shifting of schedules – especially in the past year – means that rumors can be harder to trust than ever. Then again, the appeal of a rumor, especially when it’s for a long-awaited title, remains enticing.
So let’s take a look at 15 big games rumored to be in development. Remember to take all of these with a grain of salt, even if they’re from respectable sources, sit back and have fun.
Silent Hill Reboots
The Silent Hill reboot saga has only gotten stranger in the past year or so. Originally, rumors claimed that Konami was working with SIE Japan Studio on a reboot that would be exclusive to the PS5. With the lack of announcements or updates, however, it felt like a pipe dream. This past February, developer Bloober Team spoke about how they’d been developing a horror game for more than a year “with a very famous gaming publisher.” VideoGamesChronicle reported that Konami had been shopping the franchise around over the years and that a prominent Japanese developer is currently working on a reboot. This doesn’t mean Bloober Team isn’t working on its own Silent Hill but having two reboots isn’t entirely out of the question. As for the first title, a reveal is apparently coming this Summer so there’s that to look forward to.