Racing games have always held a soft spot in our hearts, from the days of Excitebike on the NES to Mario Kart and eventually Gran Turismo and Forza Horizon. The future holds no shortage of racing games and regardless of which side you fall on – realism or fun – there’s something for everyone in these upcoming titles. Let’s take a closer look.
Dirt Rally 2.0
Yes, Dirt 4 was considered the more “complete” gameplay experience. However, Dirt Rally circumvented that game’s procedurally created tracks and focused more on the hardcore rally racing experience. With Dirt Rally 2.0 coming up, we can look forward to weather affecting a vehicle’s grip, tracks degrading and further affecting grip and much more. Even those couldn’t surpass the first game’s initial difficulty curve will have tutorials to look forward to. Dirt Rally 2.0 is out in February 2019 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.