For all of the different boss fights that a video game could throw at us, there will always be a select few characters that we can’t fight. They may be powerful side characters, remnants of a different time, or simply foes that would make for fun encounters. Regardless, let’s take a look at 15 bosses we’d like to fight but can’t.
Metal Devil – Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West
The Chariot-class Horus Titan, better known as the Metal Devil in the New World, is unmatched in its destructive power. After all, it was a single swarm that resulted in the Faro Plague and once put an end to humanity. In Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, they’re inactive but not completely out of the picture. While reactivating one could result in another apocalypse-level event, it would still be kind of cool to fight, maybe in a VR scenario of sorts.