E3 season is as good a time as any to get unreasonably hyped about upcoming games. Heck, it’s a great time to speculate on which games will even be at the show, much less with gameplay footage. As optimistic as we’d like to be, there are some titles which just aren’t going to make it. Let’s take a look at 16 big games which are definitely not showing up at E3 2019.
The Elder Scrolls 6
Bethesda has stated not once but twice that The Elder Scrolls 6 will not be at E3 2019. It was announced early to keep everyone in check, it’s probably out next generation, yada yada. And really, why would we start doubting the word of Todd now? Then again, Bethesda only recently arrived at an agreement concerning the Redfall trademark, which may or may not be the name of the next Elder Scrolls. So maybe we’ll see another teaser confirming the name.