Age of Empires 4 Kicks off Season 2 with New Event, Quality of Life Features, Balance Fixes

Age of Empires 4 is starting Season 2 with a new event that features cosmetic rewards, and a host of balance changes and quality of life features.

Posted By | On 12th, Jul. 2022

Age of Empires 4 is kicking off season 2 today, bringing with it new features, quality of life improvements, and customization options. Age of Empires 4‘s Season 2 is kicking off with its first event—Age of Discovery.

During the Age of Discovery Event, completing in-game tasks within the time limits unlocks new exclusive rewards. The rewards includes new sigils and profile portraits.

Season 2 is also bringing the ability for players to prefer some maps over others for Age of Empires 4‘s multiplayer modes. Queuing for a quick match provides players with a set of 5 downvotes that they can apply to maps they don’t want to play in. Queuing for a ranked match gives players up to 3 downvotes to use.

There are plenty of quality of life features in the update as well, such as new fully remappable hotkey layouts, changes to hotkey conflicts, a toggle for “Warn Conflicts”, new camera zoom options, and a player color picker for Single Player Skirmish, Multiplayer Custom Match, Unranked Automatch, and Ranked Automatch modes.

All of this comes with a set of balance changes across the board for the game.

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