The world of Anthem is going to be a wild and hostile one. Not in terms of PvP (the game, in fact, won’t have PvP, at least at launch), but rather more inherently. From hostile factions to the wildlife population in the game to the elements themselves, everything in Anthem is going to be out to get you. Speaking of the wildlife, though, the game’s lead producer Ben Irving gave out some interesting bits of info on that front in an interview with YouTube channel Freelancer Codex (which you can take a look at below).
For starters, it seems like the wildlife is going to be a lot more systemic-based than you might initially think. Different groups and kinds of animals and creatures in the game are going to have different relationships with each other, so if, potentially, two groups spawn close to each other that don’t like each other all that much, that will trigger a fight between them- kinda like what Monster Hunter World does, but not as in-depth (I’m assuming).
But will players be able to get loot if they end up killing the in-game wildlife? Well, Ben Irving says yes. “All of the creatures, our monster or mobs or whatever, that you fight- it is in your interests to kill lots of things,” Irving said. “And they’ll drop loot, they’ll drop ammo pickups, they’ll drop health pickups. But I think the primary driver is around the loot, right? So you pick up these undefined things, that when you end your current expedition and go back to your home base, whether that’s the fort or the strider, you identify the gear you picked up to find out the specifics of what it is.”
Recently, details about Anthem’s full world map were also revealed, while more details on how its single player and multiplayer elements are going to interact and intersect with each other are also coming soon. Anthem launches on February 22 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.